MJ Studio
After using Blur, Backdrop Filter, and Gradient on other platforms, using CSS feels like a godsend.
Since 2024 - 12
Contribution 100%
공공 API를 이용해 간단히 만든 모집병의 월별/군별 실시간 지원률을 확인할 수 있는 웹사이트입니다.
Since 2024 - 02
Contribution 100%
Suited was inspired by the idea of bringing together websites that you keep visiting and using while developing. Various utilities exist. These include strings, dates, times, data, images, etc. We plan to continue adding more.
Since 2022 - 08
Contribution 100%
Because Naver blog did not support SEO and inline formulas well, I built the site using Jekyll. Although we imported the existing theme, we made many design changes and applied Liquid used in Jekyll by reading Docs. Building with Ruby On Rails was interesting, and I also customized the plugin. In addition, to increase the readability of the text, MDX grammar is actively used to support notes, code blocks, and inline formulas.
Since 2022 - 02
Contribution 100%
Previously, I had built a CMS system that created problems at Turing, Co, Ltd. Whether handling PDFs, entering formulas, or processing images, many complex processes have been implemented. Currently, the CMS is not in use, but a new version has been created and is occasionally maintained.
Since 2021 - 12
Contribution 100%
⚠️ This Site is EXTREMELY FAST. This was my first React Project.Recently, through a renewal, everything was applied to SSR and all the old code was removed, but it was fun when I first learned web development and designed this website.